August 15, 2022

CANTEX Selects IDEA Exchange for Managed EDI Services

Leading PVC Manufacturer Extends EDI Capacity and Gains Trading Partner Requirement Experience

Arlington, VA—The Industry Data Exchange Association, Inc. (IDEA) announces that CANTEX, INC., a leading PVC manufacturer of electrical products, has selected IDEA Exchange as its EDI Managed Services Partner.

In recent years, manufacturers and distributors have faced EDI staffing challenges with increased retirements and turnover. In addition, outsourcing EDI management has become a more popular trend in the last decade, resulting in fewer professionals with EDI management experience.

CANTEX’s team recognized the importance of their EDI operations to the company’s sales cycle, and they wanted to implement a solution that would bring continuity, flexibility, and support for many years to come.

CANTEX decided to engage IDEA to help the manufacturer transition from its in-house EDI management to IDEA Exchange Managed Services.

Through IDEA Managed Services, CANTEX has an experienced EDI partner that can:

  • Handle all integration needs
  • Manage daily EDI and efficiently add trading partners and maps
  • Provide a modern B2B platform capable of growth with needs and requirements
  • Supply a primary company contact with backup members
  • Provide in-depth understanding of its business, processing rules, and trading partner requirements
  • Monitor EDI and notification of exceptions
  • Provide proactive monitoring of the entire EDI production environment (ensures seamless business document integration and timely delivery to partners)

“We see the benefit of IDEA’s deep industry experience as well as their knowledge of the challenges we face as a manufacturer with trading partner requirements,” said Toney Fidler, Director of MIS at CANTEX.

Find out more about IDEA’s EDI Managed Services.

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View CANTEX Case Study.

Learn more about CANTEX.

About IDEA

The Industry Data Exchange Association, Inc. (IDEA) is the technology service provider and eBusiness standards body endorsed by the electrical industry. IDEA helps hundreds of manufacturers and distributors efficiently exchange transactional and eCommerce digital content and automate Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) documents nationally, as well as internationally. IDEA was founded in 1998 through a partnership formed by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) and the National Association of Electrical Distributors (NAED). Its applications, IDEA Connector and IDEA Exchange, also bring value to vertical markets such as industrial, retail, and consumer-packaged goods. IDEA is headquartered in Arlington, VA (

Media Contacts

Dena Barrett

IDEA Marketing & Digital Operations Director

Sonia Coleman

IDEA Marketing