Rebates just got faster, easier, less risky, and more profitable

Create, track, and execute rebate agreements instantly — with no data migration. Enable is the first and only rebate management software company to integrate with IDEA Connector to supply constantly updated product data available for accuracy and transparency in rebates.

Delete the spreadsheets and manage direct and indirect rebates, special pricing agreements (SPAs), and promotions in a single cloud-based, purpose-built solution for rebate management.

Enable customers earn an average 400% ROI

Make better trading decisions to drive mutually profitable growth, increase cash flow, and reduce risk with the collaborative Enable platform powered by IDEA Connector.

Immediate impact

By leveraging existing IDEA connectivity, you’ll enjoy a fast time to value on rebates with deals created in as little as two weeks from implementation.

Easy to use

With less manual support and oversight, you can reduce manual efforts and achieve operational excellence.

Increased clarity

IDEA’s standardized data eliminates ambiguity, leading to a better experience for both sides of the rebate and driving mutually profitable growth.

Ready to finally get what you want out of rebates?